3 Reasons Why Fertrell’s Soil Tests are Better

If you have used our soil testing services at Fertrell, you have probably realized that we don’t process your soil tests at our facility. We have our customers send their soil samples to an independent laboratory for analysis. The soil analysis results we provide are not necessarily better than results from other reputable soil testing labs across the country. We do however make sure that the labs we work with provide a thorough analysis of your soil.

Our soil test results include:

  • Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)

  • Organic Matter (OM)

  • pH

  • estimated nitrogen release (ENR)

  • Phosphorus (P)

  • Percent base saturation, which includes Potassium (K), Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca), Sodium (Na) and Hydrogen (H)

  • Trace minerals and micronutrients, like Sulfur (S), Zinc (Zn), Manganese (Mn), Iron (Fe) Copper (Cu) and Boron.

This combination of information provides a complete picture of your soil’s fertility and we can use this information to make accurate recommendations for the plants and crops you are growing.

 So, if any quality laboratory can provide this information, what makes Fertrell’s soil testing better?

 First, we provide our complete soil test results at a very reasonable cost. This is possible because we do a lot of soil tests, and due to this high volume, our network of independent labs gives us their best possible pricing—which we are able to pass along to our customers. A win-win-win situation.

 Second, we have a lot of experience working with certified organic and non-GMO farm fertility. The calculations and recommendations provided by many typical soil laboratories are based on conventional agriculture and do not fit into organic or sustainable agriculture.

 Third, we provide free recommendations and explanations on how to improve soil fertility for the crops that you are growing. We work closely with our customers reviewing their on-farm practices (crop rotations and cover crops), their on-farm available nutrients (compost and manure), their budget allocated for fertility, and the crops they intend to produce. Once we understand these factors, our agronomists provide recommendations on best practices for cover crops, rotations, and where to apply on-farm available amendments. Additionally, we provide recommendations for quality Fertrell fertilizers to meet your soil nutrition needs. We manufacture our fertilizers and soil amendments using a wide variety of certifiable organic components that help to increase soil fertility and build healthy soil life.

 Contact your salesperson or local dealer to get information about how to get your soil tested and receive custom recommendations from Fertrell.


It's Cold Out Here… What's Your Soil Life Doing?


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