Liquid Fertilizers and Amendments
Liquid fertilizers are a great way to feed the plant directly. We recommend using liquids between hay cuttings, during fruiting cycles, or during other times of stress on crops. For specific recommendations, please contact our Agronomy Department.
Fertrell Liquid 3-4-3
A blend of fish emulsion, kelp, and liquid humates, this product provides a boost at planting time while increasing nutrient uptake and stimulating biology.
Bottle - 1 qt; 1 gal; 2.5 gal
Fertrell Liquid #3: 2-3-1
A fish and kelp blend- Use as a foliar spray or added to liquid fertigation systems to help crops during the growing season and during times of plant stress.
Bottle- 1 qt; 1 gal; 2.5 gal
Fertrell Liquid Kelp Concentrate
While the NPK values of liquid kelp are low and it is not considered a fertilizer, the amount of micro-elements, plant growth hormones, vitamins, enzymes, and carbohydrates in here are off the chart!
Bottle - 1 qt; 1 gal; 2.5 gal
Derived from decayed organic matter (humates), Fertrell Bio-Hume is 12% concentrated liquid humus. This helps with better tilth and water and nutrient retention.
Bottle - 1 gal
Pro K 0-0-20
Is a fully soluble plant-derived liquid potassium fertilizer. It is certified for organic use, designed to supply the nutrient (K) in a highly soluble form.
Plastic Container - 2.5 gal