Fertrell Nutri-Sil – Forage Inoculant

Fertrell’s Forage Inoculant is available in a dry and a water-soluble form.

Water Soluble Nutri-Sil decreases the pH rapidly to begin the fermentation process for good quality stored silages and baled forages. The lactic acid bacterium begins the fermentation process, helping the forages to retain more moisture, protein, and energy value. Using water soluble Nutri-Sil will help with the palatability and the digestibility of the silage and baled forages.

Water soluble Nutri-Sil has the same bacteria that our trusted Nutri-Sil dry has, which has been accepted for organic production for over 20 years. One package will treat 100 tons of product, providing 5 grams per treated ton of forage.

     Available in 500 gram package


Total Bacteria

(Enterococus faecium, Lactobacillus buchnei, Bacillus Subtilis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Pedioccus acidilactici, Enterococcus faecium, Bacillus subtilis)

...................................... 125 Billion CFUs per 5 grams

Animal Nutrition Products

Nutri-Sil (dry) is a live bacterium, added to silage and baled forages to assist the fermentation process. It causes the forages to retain more of their moisture, protein and energy value and increases the palatability and digestibility of the harvested crop.   Available in 50 lb. paper bag


Total Bacteria

(Enterococus faecium, Lactobacillus buchnei, Bacillus Subtilis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Pedioccus acidilactici, Enterococcus faecium, Bacillus subtilis)

............................................ 115 Billion CFUs/lb. (min)


Mix thoroughly with forage at the rate of:

MOISTURE %                                      NUTRI-SIL (lbs.)

60% or above ..................................1 lb. per ton

40%–60% ........................................ 2 lb. per ton

40% or less ...................................... 3 lb. per ton


Questions from the field: Nutri-Sil for small square bales

1.  Application – Liquid or dry preferred for small square bale application? Both work very well. However, if I were to choose a preferred method, I would recommend the liquid. Only because it provides a more uniform application and the bacteria is moisture activated. So, the water being used to spray on the hay would have already activated the bacteria to start working.

2.  Hay Moisture Content – Is the product equally effective at 65% moisture vs 45% or 25%? The moisture level does change the application rate.

The ranges are: For Dry Nutri-Sil

  • 1 lb. per ton at 45% - 65% moisture

  • 2 lb. per ton at 25% - 45% moisture

  • 3 lb. per ton below 25%

3.  What is the maximum moisture level to bale hay treated with Nutri-Sil and NOT wrap it? The highest I have seen was 26%. But that was scary. It was heating. I would say the moisture safe level is 22% or less.


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