Help maintain your horse’s health using all-natural, sustainably produced products!

Kelp meal has been fed to livestock for over a century. Livestock farmers living near ocean coasts have seen the benefits of feeding seaweeds to their animals for years.  Kelp meal is one of the only plant species that is full of chelated minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients to help maintain the health of your horse.

 Research shows that kelp and seaweed have concentrated minerals up to 20 times higher than any land-based plant. Kelp meal has more than 60 micronutrients and phytonutrients to support the immune, metabolic, and reproductive systems. Kelp is also a natural source of iodine that is supports and maintains thyroid and metabolic function. Adding kelp to the horses’ diet can provide great micronutrients and prebiotics helping to support a healthier animal!

Aloe is another natural product that has been used for centuries as a health aid and nutritional support in several cultures.  Aloe is full of enzymes, vitamins, and minerals that provide a number of possible benefits including helping to regulate gastric acid production, acting as an antioxidant, and has anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe pellets are a great every day supplement for a healthier horse. Aloe pellets are also beneficial to helping support the immune system during times of stress like traveling to a horse show or moving farms.

To find kelp meal and aloe pellets for your horse, check online for an Outlet near you. You can order these products along with Redmond Salt Rocks, and Fertrell’s Horse Nutri-Balancer from our Products page. Redmond Salt Rocks are trace mineral salt that is naturally mined in Redmond, Utah. Fertrell’s Horse Nutri-Balancer is fortified with highly bioavailable minerals and vitamins along with a proprietary probiotic blend to help digestion.


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