Invigorate - What is It and How Do I Use It?

Invigorate is a powerful blend of Vitamins, Trace Minerals, Direct fed Microbials.  It includes Vitamin A, D, E, Riboflavin, Choline, Niacin, Folic Acid, and trace minerals including Cobalt, Selenium, Manganese, Zinc, Copper and Iron.  Invigorate also has direct fed microbials includes Yeast cultures and blended Lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Enterococcus faecium, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus plantarum).

  Invigorate is all the great things about our old product “Stress-Ease” without Methionine for organic reasons and with more added to include uses for younger livestock.  Invigorate was developed for an organic dairy producer who was having calf problems, coughing, scouring, weakness, off milk.  He was talking about purchasing a competitors “Magic Foo-Foo Dust” to try and fix the problems.  I asked for a few days to make something that would be bigger and better of coarse.  Thus the inception of Invigorate!

  Invigorate is a “super duty” vitamin booster to be used anytime an animal is not acting or feeling right.  It has been used to help animals with High SCC, Mastitis, Off feed, poor breeding or anything else a little extra vitamins might help.  Invigorate is not a drug or a cure it is metabolism system support for times of stress or illness.  I recommend using it in the following ways.


Large animals-500 lb or more

-Mild illness or stress - 1 oz per day till symptoms go away plus 7 days.

-Severe condition – 2 oz per day till symptoms go away plus 1 oz for 7 days.


Small animals – less than 500 lbs.

-Mild illness or stress – 1/2 oz per day till symptoms go away plus 7 days.

-Severe condition – 1 oz per day till symptoms go away plus 1 oz for 7 days.


Any Critical condition – Animals may die very soon.

-Double the amounts recommended above and treat every 12 hours.

-Consult with Veterinarian or other professional for treatment


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