Kelp Meal – Dual Purpose Product

Our Kelp Meal can be used both as a soil amendment and for livestock. Fertrell suggest using our Kelp Meal in both scenarios.

 Kelp as a Soil Amendment

Kelp is an ocean plant that absorbs many micro-nutrients from the sea. It also contains naturally occurring cytokines, auxins, and gibberellins which are natural plant growth stimulants/ hormones. When kelp is applied in small amounts in the soil it benefits to the crops being grown can be big. Kelp is chalked full of Vitamin B and iodine; both of these are necessary for metabolic processes to perform at optimum in a plant.

Here are a few of the benefits of kelp:

  • Kelp boosts the efficiency of any soil or potting mix to get the most from a limited space

  • It is great for crops like lettuce and potatoes that demand very high levels of potassium

  • It is one of the most effective ways to increase the size and storage life of a crop

  • Kelp enhances root mass, making it ideal for all plants

  • It makes plants moderately more resistant to a wide range of diseases, pests, and weather

  • It is natural and organic, making it right for any chemical-free growing environment

  • Due to the high levels of iodine contained in kelp; it also helps to repel insects

  • Used in row at corn planting for cut worm control

Soil Application Rates

Typical applications rates are 75-150 lb/Acre or 2-3 lb/1000 sq. ft. broadcast applied, or 1-2 lb/100 row ft. applied in row. Application rates in row at corn planting for cut worm control are 15 lb/Acre for 1 st year corn, 20 lb/Acre for 2nd year corn and 25 lb/Ac for 3rd year corn. For more questions regarding the use of kelp in soils please contact The Fertrell Company at

Kelp for Livestock

Kelp Meal is one of the best free choice supplements livestock can be offered! Kelp has 60+ trace minerals and micronutrients helping livestock meet micronutrient requirements for a healthier animal. The trace minerals found in kelp are chelated, making them more bioavailable and easily utilized by livestock. There are many other benefits of feeding kelp meal to all classes of livestock.

Benefits of feeding kelp to livestock:

  • Improves hoof health and helps decrease incidence of strawberry warts and foot rot

  • Helps improve thyroid function and regulates metabolism, body temperature, and body weight.

  • Reduces incidence of pink eye because of the natural iodine.

  • Improves immune function

Kelp Feeding Recommendations:

Kelp meal can be offered free choice, top dressed, or mixed into a grain ration. When top dressing, feed 2-4oz for dairy and beef Cattle; 1/8 - 1/2 oz for horses, sheep, and goats. For pigs and poultry, feed kelp meal at a rate of 1% of total grain ration. For further feeding instructions, please contact The Fertrell Co. at


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