Learn About: Pyganic 1.4 and 5.0

Pyganic 1.4 & 5.0

Offered in two different strengths 1.4% and 5.0% which is the percent active ingredient

Contact KillerPyganic is a pyrethrin based product. It  can provide quick knockdown control of over 80 different insects. It is non-selective so it will also kill beneficial insects as well.

Spray TimingPyganic is sensitive to UV light and high temperatures; so it is best to spray early morning or in the evening to achieve to best results.

Good Coverage - Because Pyganic is a contact killer good coverage and of the crop is necessary. Be sure to use adequate amounts of water to ensure that the insects come in contact with the solution.

Tank mix pH- While more important if using on a larger scale at lower rates Pyganic performs best when the final tank mix has a pH of 5.5-7.0

Effective onPyganic will kill over 80 different insects including: aphids, armyworm, katydids, leafhoppers, leafrollers, mites, thrips, whitflies, etc.

Remember that using a organic approved insecticide should not necessarily be your first choice. Good crop rotation, proper planning and a well balanced soil should come first. If these fail and insects still prove to be problematic then a product like Pyganic can be a tool that can be used. Always monitor fields and crops for insect damage and try to act before they are a huge problem. Contact Fertrell (call us at 800-347-1566 or email agronomy@fertrell.com) for more information regarding Pyganic.


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