Pneumonia Treatment Tips

With fall and winter’s changeable weather, pneumonia season is here. Whether you are looking for a conventional pneumonia treatment program with vaccines or a more natural approach using homeopathic remedies, you have options for treating your herd.

The Conventional Method
The trick for pneumonia is to have some protection with a vaccination program. The modified live viruses have been shown to have a longer protection when given twice. Consider first shot at 3 to 4 months and second shot at pre-breeding, 14-15 months of age. Then go to a killed 10 way vaccine as the modified live can cause abortions. If vaccines are objectional, consider using nosodes (the homeopathy vaccination pills).

The Homeopathic Method
These are only available from a vet as they are prescription items. Dr. Paul’s Lab cannot sell them, but I can and do handle many nosodes. Please contact me directly if you need nosodes. It has been found that you get a greater protection if animals are on aloe pellets a few days before vaccination and stay on 4 days after vaccinating.

Dr. Paul's Lab Products for Pneumonia
Treatment items for pneumonia are CEG, OLS-M tinctures, and Wild Herb Tea to clean out the lungs and sinuses. Aloe liquid and pellets to negate the cortisol and on bad cases (if they’re off feed), IV glucose or dextrose can be given for energy. Also 30-60 cc’s of natural whey helps boost immunity. Good ventilation, dry bedding, and water should also be provided.

Catching a few coughing calves early and feeding aloe pellets is a real help. Early treatment can quite often ward off full blown pneumonia. Clipping long haired heifers when you bring them into a warm barn is a must.


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