Essential Macronutrient

The Neo-Latin word Kalium, also known as Potassium, is an essential macronutrient for a variety of plant processes and a part of the diverse web of soil nutrients. The genetic makeup of the plant will determine the amount of potassium a plant will need, with the higher end leaning toward legumes, nitrogen fixing plants and large fruiting vegetables. Potassium helps regulate turgor pressure, stomate opening and closing, and plant metabolism. This cation, or positively charged ion, floats around in the soil, held on by the cation exchange capacity (CEC). The greater the CEC the better soil can ‘hold on’ to this critical element.

Forms and Application

Fertrell offers a variety of forms of potassium, depending on your operations, soil, or plant’s needs. Placement, timing, application rate, and form are essential so you can maximize your yield and improve plant health. Potassium is either mined or extracted from natural sources such as kelp. Fertrell’s standard blends utilize kelp to provide an initial source of nutrition to the plant. Super K 3-4-7 was designed for vegetables, alfalfa and various legumes. As a starter fertilizer, high potassium demanding crops fair well with routine applications of other potassium sources throughout the fruiting season.

While greensand was a popular potassium source, it is no longer readily available. Fertrell has a product that ‘mimics’ the qualities of greensand. Green Potash 0-0-15 is a mix of kelp and zeolite that improves CEC while adding potassium. This is a soil builder or breaker. Sandy soils have an issue holding onto nutrients and clay soils have an issue allowing nutrients in, so zeolite breaks down each of these negative qualities and improves water retention. Sulfate of Potash 0-0-52 18S is another fertilizer option, and a great asset to vegetable growers, however it needs to be applied at the right time, as it is highly mobile in the soil column. Applications every ten days are ideal during the growing season to help fruit taste and size. Potassium application throughout the growing season comes into critical importance in times of drought. Since potassium regulates water mobility and retention in the plant, optimal levels will improve tolerance during times of high heat and drought. If you have further questions about potassium, Fertrell’s fertilizers or soil amendments, please contact the Agronomy Department and we will be happy to assist you.


