Once upon a time, a team of production workers set off for a day’s hard work. They started the day just like most anyone else. They grab a cup of coffee or an energy drink for the youngsters that can stomach the “black tar.” Occasionally you will see one flying if after a long night of gallivanting around town hoping not to be late.

Next, we find them looking over the list of products that they are supposed to get done for the day. On a normal day, this list is about 18 tons for feed and could be upwards of 48 tons for fertilizer. But like most days there are unforeseen complications that lurk around every corner.

Last minute add-ons, totes of ingredients have fallen over, lining up a trucker that is backing up for the first time, and the occasional gremlins in the machinery. You name it and probably it has happened, which inevitably slows down production.

These small problems are no match for a production team as they take them in stride. Well, occasionally you will hear “do we have to?” or “this stinks” Not quite literally it does not smell good.

Ahhh yes, and after a hard days’ work and fighting the gremlins, we come to the end of the day. Where our production workers can finally rest. Or so we think because that one trucker is finally showing up.

Yes, it is not an easy job nor is it always fun. But for a production worker it is another day well done.


