Tissue Tests

The bed is prepped, the seed is set, and the season is off to a great start. You feel proud and your crops look great. You do your duties and scout properly to make sure you have no unforeseen problems but finally you happen to notice

that “these plants just are not where I think they should be.” You fertilize through the drip and nothing changes. By this time, you are starting to become a bit concerned when signs of some type of deficiency are starting to show. “Time to get a tissue test” you think when you are already weeks behind. Don’t let this happen to you. Make sure you incorporate tissue testing into your duties to keep up on this growing season.

There are always a million things to do when the weather is nice so tissue testing doesn’t get the representative it deserves, when it comes to your list of priorities, and I am here to tell you why it is needed to be made a priority. It’s easy, getting your tissue tested is not a huge undertaking. Get a few clippings and send them into the lab. A few days later you are mailed back the results accompanied by Fertrell Tissues tests letting you know how to approach the problem if you happen to have one. Understand your plant’s needs and address them accordingly. A plant will always grow to the nutrient that is least available and seldomly is that going to be any of your macro nutrients.

Some things to keep in mind when you are looking at the advantages of tissue tests are some of the following. Tissues tests are an effective way to get a bead on your plant’s health. Here are some important reasons to tissue test: It helps you get together a nutrient plan for your crops by showing you where potential deficiencies may lie. It helps you better understand the various needs of your plants depending on growth stages, so you can create a more finite plan for your crops. This is especially so for more valuable crops such as produce.

Now that you understand the significance of tissue tests, we need to learn how to appropriately take a sample. Some things to keep in mind when you are preparing a tissue sample. Collect the proper plant part and amounts. Collect 15-20 leaves, or at least half a paper lunch bag full, and choose mature leaves from the middle or upper part of the plant. Never send bottom leaves or immature leaves. Consult a sampling guide for more specific instructions. If the leaves are contaminated with soil rinse them briefly under a stream of distilled water and allow to air dry. Consistency is key in plant tissue sampling. Pull samples at the same time of day. Plants with insect damage, and seeds as these will not yield the ideal results. Store it in a paper bags and send to the lab as soon as possible as tissue breakdown beings right away and if you wait too long or it takes too long for your sample to get to the lab it can become unusable. Label your sample bags, make sure the labels match your submittal forms and send them promptly. Pack the shipping box loosely to include some air space. If possible, collect and ship the samples the same day. If not, store samples in a refrigerator.

When you think about how much it costs for fertilizer, the time invested in lime or manure applications, and the labor in setting up drip tape/other inputs why would you not just take 5 minutes and spent a few dollars to make sure that you are being as efficient and effective as possible? This is where we at Fertrell can step in and assist you. We will happily take that tissue test and write a free recommendation for you and have it sent out as fast as possible. We will let you know where you are succeeding and what areas you might need to keep an eye out for. We will tell you how, when, the amount, and the product needed to address your plants immediate concerns to make sure it doesn’t lag and gives you the yield that you want! Help your plants and your wallet and invest in a tissue test to save yourself money throughout the growing season.

Tissue samples are time sensitive. 10% off any samples received at Waypoint Lab in Leola PA only by June 30th, 2020. Please mail samples directly to Waypoint Lab 280 Newport Road Leola, PA 17540. For information call 717-656-9326 or go online at www.waypointanalytical.com.


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