Beneficial Soil Bacteria!

Fertrell is proud to introduce two products that can benefit your soil - Fertrell Beneficial Biology and Fertrell Mychorrizae Plus.

Fertrell Beneficial Biology is a bacteria soil inoculant. This soil additive contains biologicals that help to fix nitrogen in the soil, make phosphorous more available, and break down organic debris (composting/soil building) - all of which help to build soil health and increase the nutrients available to your crops. Fertrell Beneficial Biology contains additional biological components to promote healthy root growth which increases drought resistance, enables gathering of additional soil nutrients, and improves plant top growth.

Fertrell Mychorrizae Plus contains all of the same biologicals and benefits as Fertrell Beneficial Biology - plus mycorrhizal inoculants. Mychorrizae are fungi which bond with the root hairs of the plant and then branch out to form structures called hyphae. These hyphae are smaller than root hairs and are able to extend further into the soil to seek out moisture and minerals. So basically, mychorrizae work to increase the surface area of the plant’s root system and maximize the absorption of water and soil nutrients. Additionally, they promote growth hormones in plants and increase the plants resistance against pathogens.

Either of these products can be added to our custom blend fertilizers or purchased pre-blended in 50-pound packages that can be used to inoculate 5 acres. Contact us for pricing and additional details on the use of our two new products.


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