Parasite Pressure Prevention

Parasite pressure peaks in the spring. During the cold winter months, parasites go dormant, and as spring comes and the weather gets warmer, parasites re-emerge. Internal parasites can cause a decrease in animal productivity, from a reduction in milk production to decreased weight gain.

In terms of parasite prevention, good grazing management is best for avoiding parasite problems. Good grazing practices include rotational grazing and avoid grazing below 4 inches in each pasture. Larvae can crawl up the first 3 inches of grass, and the extra inch is for wiggle room. If your livestock graze below 3 inches, larvae could be eaten with the grass and then take advantage of a new host. Once eaten, the internal parasites will thrive and produce eggs, which are then passed out through the manure. Eggs then hatch into the manure, and crawl onto a blade of nearby grass. If eaten, the lifecycle continues.

If your prevention practices fail, you’ll need to choose a treatment option. Before treating, getting fecal samples tested for parasites will tell you which animals need to be treated. This isn’t always practical from a management standpoint, but it will help with only treating animals that need to be treated. 

If you are having internal parasite pressure, Fertrell offers different products that could be helpful.*

The Herbal Supplement is a Fertrell product that has been used by many farmers as a dewormer. The Herbal Supplement is a mixture of cayenne, garlic, and diatomaceous earth for optimal parasite extermination. When using, the dosage rate is 10cc per 100 lbs. of body weight, and it needs to be administered on the same day for three weeks. For example, Thursday, Thursday, Thursday. This can be used on ruminants. The Herbal Supplement comes in a 3 pack with syringe. You add 1/3 cup of warm water to a pack, then put into the provided syringe. We also offer a 10 pack of refills.

Dr Paul’s Lab also offers products that can be helpful when managing parasite loads in different classes of livestock. These products are a combination of herbs that are thought to be antiparasitic and work together to help reduce internal parasites in livestock*. These products are below:

CGS can be used for both cattle and horses. When using, feed ¾ cup per 500 lbs. of body weight once a day for 2 days, then feed one more dose after 2 weeks. CGS is a loose supplement and comes in 60 oz., 5 qt., or 15 lb. bag. This product has black walnut in the mixture, and black walnut is great for helping with parasites but cannot be over fed. More is not better when using this product, so follow the feeding instructions.

S&G pills can be used for sheep, goats, and calves. S&G pills are boluses to be fed at rate of 1 bolus per 75 lbs. of body weight. Repeat treatment in 3 weeks. These come in a 20 count, 60 count, 150 count.

Swine X can be used for pigs. When using, feed 1 oz. per 40 lbs. The Swine X comes with a 2 oz. scoop, so 2 oz. will feed one 80 lb. pig or 2 40 lb. feeder pigs.

Poultry X can be used on poultry.  When using, feed a 2 oz. scoop for 15 4 lb. layers or broilers.    Available in 5 quart or 3-gallon size.  A 3-gallon pail can be used for approximately 1,200 birds.

Eliminate Bolus is Dr Paul’s number one product for helping manage internal parasites in dairy cows! When using, feed 1 bolus per 500 lbs. of body weight and repeat in 3 weeks.

Super Eliminate can be used for cows. It has been used by farmers as a lung worm treatment in beef and dairy cows. Administer 1 bolus per cow daily for 3 days.  Available in 25 and 80 count sizes.  Super Eliminate Calf is also available in a 60-count size. Administer 1 bolus daily for 3 days.

If you have any further questions about any of the above products, contact Fertrell’s livestock team.

*My statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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