Looking for Baby Chicks?

Looking for Baby chicks? Consider connecting with the breeders of heritage type poultry breeds. There are a few resources available to connect you with the actual poultry breeders. Folks who have a passion to improve and maintain poultry breeds as they were intended.

I would suggest starting your search with Heritage Poultry Breeders – educational foundation - https://heritagepoultrybreeders.com/breeders/. These folks are wonderful and passionate poultry breeders.

If you don’t find what you are looking for you can reach out to Livestock Breeds Conservancy - https://livestockconservancy.org/index.php/heritage/internal/poultry-breeds. Livestock Breed Conservancy’s mission it to keep heritage breed poultry going. They have many different breeders around the country that may have exactly what you are looking for.

Good luck finding the chickens you want! Remember, chickens are “Friends with Benefits!”

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