Introducing Simple 6 concentrate, a new product from Fertrell. The idea for Simple 6 comes from a traditional recipe for switchel that has been used for 400 hundred years. Switchel was made from a natural sweetener like honey, molasses, or maple syrup, apple cider vinegar, ginger root, salt, and water. What the colonial farmers had made was the beginning of an electrolyte drink. The switchel provided energy and replaced electrolytes. Drinking switchel during demanding work in the fields harvesting enabled the farmers to work longer with less fatigue. Over the years, switchel became known as Haymaker Punch. The popularity of switchel waned over the years with the availability of ready-to-serve drinks like Gatorade and other sports drinks. In the past decade, switchel has seen a renewed interest.

Haymaker’s punch can be purchased for human consumption already mixed and pre-bottled. Many people find it to be quite refreshing and a good alternative to other sugary drinks.

Simple 6 concentrate is made from apple cider vinegar, cane molasses, Redmond real salt, fresh grated ginger, magnesium sulfate and cayenne pepper. At this time, these ingredients are not all from organic sources. This product can only be used in organic systems as a medical treatment. It may not be used as a supplement or additive for feed.

Our staff at Fertrell are trying to source organic ginger and cayenne peppers in large quantities. This will allow us to offer an organic version of Simple 6 concentrate. Use Simple 6 concentrate at 4 oz. per gallon of drinking water. When possible, it is best to mix with water and allow it to mix and mellow for 12 hours before serving. Allowing it to rest after mixing will provide the best results. If necessary, Simple 6 will work at the time of mixing. You can adjust the amount per gallon to meet your needs. We expect you to see an increase in energy, alertness, and appetite approximately 30 minutes after drinking. What our staff experienced when trying it was an energy boost after about 30 minutes that lasted 3–4 hours. At the end of the 4 hours each of them was very tired and ready to rest or sleep. The term that they used was “Crash.” At this point you could drink more or rest. Whichever is more suitable for that time of day.

Although switchel has been used for human consumption for 4 centuries. Fertrell designed Simple 6 concentrate for livestock use. We do not manufacture products for human consumption. We are in the livestock and poultry industry. Yes, Simple 6 concentrate was developed for animals. For use at 4 oz. per gallon of drinking water. For animals that may be

dehydrated, lethargic, off feed, or just need added support. We are currently packaging in quart-size tip and pour bottles. We fully expect to offer Simple 6 concentrate in gallon-size containers very soon. Fertrell is excited to hear your feedback and success stories using Simple 6 concentrate.


