Preparation for the upcoming season for fertilizer application is especially important when planning to apply multiple times throughout the year. At Fertrell, a frequent practice for the agronomy team to recommend is the Berry and Tree Care Programs as well as when growing large fruiting vegetables. Plants have different nutritional requirements during the growing season and elements have different benefits to the plants depending on the time of year.



Nitrogen is most important during this season as it is necessary for plants to increase their size above ground to capture as much sunlight, as it is most available during this and the summer season. The berry and tree care program recommends an application of the Super N 4-2-4 Blend from March to May or at planting. Rates will vary but typically it will be at 6 pounds per row per 1000 square feet. Super K 3-4-7 is helpful for large fruiting vegetables, as the potassium requirements are higher. Apply at 750 pounds per acre or 17 pounds per 1000 square feet at planting. Applications of boron at one pound to the acre may be necessary. In the event of a rainy spring, boron can be flushed out of the soil easily. Boron is the driver of many other nutrients as well as developing seeds.



As the temperature warms, liquid or water-soluble blends can be applied via foliar or via dripline. Every two weeks throughout the growing season, Fertrell Liquid #3 2-3-1 is a blend of kelp and fish emulsion that helps reduce plant stress and will supply nutrients. Green Potash, while not water soluble, can be applied to the soil to provide additional potassium and support fruit shape and sizing throughout the growing season.



As the temperature cools and much of the fruit is harvested for the season, plants will start to send energy to their roots and prepare for dormancy. This time of year, phosphorus and potassium hold significant importance. This will help the root mass grow and increase its ability to hold on to nutrients during dormancy. For acid-loving plants applications of Holly Care 4-6-4 after harvest or from July to September at 10 pounds per 100 row foot, 13 pounds per 1000 square feet or 600 pounds an acre. This supplies significantly more phosphorus and helps reduce the pH. Soil Mineralizer Plus 0-4-4 is especially helpful to prepare the soil for dormancy while supplying aragonite, beneficial biology and micronutrients. This can help reduce the need for large fertilizer applications the following spring. This can be applied at 300 pounds per acre.




Preparing your Orchards